Friday, November 2, 2012

MastHead Write Up

The masthead for blogger


I used the shape tool for a music note. Then I went to Edit > Transform > Warp and changed its look. Then I changed the colour of the warped music note to a deep purple colour so that it will match the purple in the background. Then I copied the warped shape and flipped it. Then I placed the two shapes under my name in the gradient.


Then I took a butterfly from the shape tool. I took out some of the parts of the butterfly and only kept one wing. Then I went to Edit > Transform > Warp and changed the look of the wing. Then I copied and flipped the wing. I merged the layers together and made more copies of the object. Then I put the copies together and placed them in between the shape and my name.


I added a gradient layer behind the others and in front of the background purple layer. The gradient goes from black into a deep purple just before half way up the image. My name is in the purple area and the shape is in the darker area. The brush is in between the name and the shapes and in an area where it looks like it is rising out of the gradient.


I adjusted the look of the gradient and the shapes using the adjustment panel. I changed the levels, contrast, curves, channels, and colour balance. I used all of these to help make the gradient look better. Also the changes helped make the shape look better on the background.


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